Poker Friends

In the autumn update of PokerBot we introduce Poker Friends. Now you will be able to easily discover and add friends inside the bot and conveniently play poker together.

Who are friends?

Friends - are PokerBot players who mutually see: 1) online status of each other in the bot, 2) tables at which they are currently playing; and can invite to and join tables of each other.

How to add friends?

You can send friend request to any PokerBot user. To do that you should first open a user profile by clicking on their level (number on the right of the medal emoji 🎖 next to the user's nick). After that click on the ➕ Add friend button below the user profile. The player whom you invited to become friends can either accept or deny your request. For your convenience we have added the ➕ Add friend button below messages, which inform you about someone leaving the table.

Message with the user's profile and Add friend button below the message

Your active referrals have been automatically converted to your friends.

Online friends and joining tables

When you engage with the bot, you will receive a message with the list of friends, who recently used the bot. If your online friends are currently playing at the table, a special link to join their table will be shown next to their nick.

List of friends online

You can also invite your friends to the table, at which you are currently playing. Click on the ℹ️ Info button to see information about the current table and then Call friends button to send the invitation to your friends. Your friends will receive a message with the description of your table and a link to join it.

Of course we do not want this feature to be abused, so there will be a cooldown before you can invite your friends to the table again. If you don’t want to receive messages from a persistent friend, you will be able to mute invitations from them for 8 hours or 2 days.

Top friends

In the Top Friends list your friends and you are sorted by the number of chips they have. Now it will be easy to figure out who among your friends is the most lucky and skilled at poker.

List of a player's friends sorted by the number of chips they have

Stay tuned for more PokerBot updates this year.

November 9, 2016
PokerBot Team

PokerBot Turns One

It's PokerBot's birthday today! We published it to the StoreBot exactly one year ago. Now on average roughly 8,000 poker deals are played daily. Some 32,000 poker lovers are using PokerBot on a monthly basis.

PokerBot's birthday!

Keep playing poker in Telegram messenger and stay tuned for more updates coming your way.

August 19, 2016
PokerBot Team

Omnipresent Poker Games and More

Two important events happened within the last two months: 1) Our bot username was changed from MyPokerBot to PokerBot thanks to the Telegram team. 2) PokerBot now has over 120,000 registered users and over 25,000 monthly active users. 500 new users sign up each day. With this update we want to reach even more people. Starting today, you can simultaneously play poker at the unlimited number of poker tables in any Telegram chat!

Inline Poker Tables

We are introducing experimental inline poker games, using which you will be able to play poker in any personal or group chat.

Type @PokerBot in the text input field in any chat and choose Play in this chat option – a message with the poker table will be generated as a result. Other chat members should press Play button below the message, to join your table. Once there are at least two of you at the table, the game will start.

Start an inline poker table in any chat
Inline poker table created

Each time you make a turn, the message will be updated with the details about your action. Don’t forget to press the ENABLE NOTIFICATIONS button below the message, so that you would not miss your turn.

Please note that the inline tables are still an experimental feature and we welcome any feedback you can give us about it.

Blind Levels Increase

In private table creation dialog you can choose to have a table with the increasing blinds. If you enable this new setting, blinds will increase every 3 minutes, which will make your games even more dynamic and interesting. Do not worry, you will always be able to buy in, in case you loose your entire stack.

July 10, 2016
PokerBot Team

Telegram Bot API 2.0 Goodness

Good news! We have implemented Telegram Bot API 2.0 features. Lots of bot interface changes in this update.

Inline Action Keyboard

Action keyboard is now sent with the IT IS YOUR TURN message. Suggested Raise options have been reworked.

Inline action keyboard

No Nasty Stickers or GIFs

Your can now complain on the unwanted stickers and GIFs in chat at the table using inline button. You won't receive messages from the user that you have complained on.

Complain on hedgehog showing middle finger

Remind Your Friends to Play

You can remind all your referrals to play 5 deals, so that your could receive your reward by pressing one button. You will be able to send mass notifications once in 24 hours.

Remind inactive referrals to play 5 deals

Other Improvements

Your card combination is highlighted in the list of all combinations if you are at the table. Your cards are now shown to you in the results of the deal even if you folded.

Stay tuned for more PokerBot updates this summer!

June 13, 2016
PokerBot Team

User Experience Improvements

In PokerBot’s first update this spring we decided to rethink the existing features in order to improve user experience.

Game Keyboard Enhancements

We have reworked game keyboard. When it is your turn, scroll the keyboard down to see more ⏫Raise options. When it is not your turn, the number of players' turns before yours, provided that no one would ⏫Raise, will be shown to you on the keyboard.

User Profiles and Official Group Chat

We have updated information that is shown in a user profile. From now on you will be able to see user’s language setting and the amount of chips they have. In order to see user’s profile click on their level next to their nickname. We are also opening our official group chat. Join it via this link @pokerbot_chat and discuss poker or find new people to play with. We will also distribute special promo codes there, which will let your receive extra chips! Daily and weekly top players’ announcements are moved from our official channel to our official chat.

Timer Settings

Timer settings logic was changed. You can now choose between strict and not strict timer settings. Strict timer setting implies that you will only be seated at tables with the chosen timer, when no table is available a new one will be created, whereas not strict timer setting will seat you at table with any turn timer if tables with the preferred one are not available.

Invitations, Referrals and Bonuses

You can now also join public tables via invitation link, which was previously working only for private tables. The reward for referrals will only be paid when the person who you invited plays 5 hands. We hope that this way you will help understand your friends how to use the bot. Daily bonuses were also reworked: the more hands you play, the bigger your bonus is.

March 6, 2016
PokerBot Team

Poker Tutorial & User Ratings

Today’s PokerBot update is all about user engagement and interaction.


We have created an interactive poker tutorial, which will introduce new users both to the basic poker principles in general and PokerBot’s UI and gameplay. All new users will be invited to complete the tutorial on the bot’s first launch.

User Profiles and Ratings

You are now able to see user stats of players you are playing with. To do that click on the user’s level. You will be asked to visit a link leading to PokerBot, like this Once you do so users stats will be sent to you by the bot.

With this update we are also adding searchable user ratings: by the number of experience points they have, the number of hands won and money on hands. Only players who have played at least once within the last 7 days and have level 4 or higher are shown in the ratings.

Bonus Reminder and Fold Confirmation

You can now ask the bot to remind you when your daily bonus will become available. When time is right PokerBot will send you a reminder message with the command to collect your bonus.

The bot will ask you to confirm that you want to ❌Fold your cards when you are able to ✊Check. This way you’ll be able to avoid accidental folds.

Bug Fixes

We have also improved bot performance in general and fixed bugs when exiting the table and determining poker combinations.

February 8, 2016
PokerBot Team

User Profiles & Inline Mode Support

We are happy to tell you about the first PokerBot update in 2016!

User profiles

You can now see and share your personal stats in PokerBot using /me command or via bot menu: 🔧Settings — 📋Profile. Your user information includes: biggest pot won, number of hands won, number of hands played, win rate, date of registration and last game played date. What is more, you’ll be able to share your profile page with people who are not Telegram users yet. Web version of your profile includes invitation to play poker with your personal referral link.

Inline mode support

You can now easily create private tables and generate invitation links in group and one-on-one Telegram chats thanks to the new inline mode introduced by Telegram team earlier this year. In inline mode, you can also share your profile stats and see poker combinations. Simply type @PokerBot in any Telegram chat and choose one of the proposed options.

Inline Mode Support

GIFs in chats at tables

We see that people are starting to actively use inline @gif bot to express their emotions during poker games, so we have enabled gif support in chats. Have fun!

January 18, 2016
PokerBot Team

Happy New Year

Dear players!

We wish you a very happy and special New Year! We wholeheartedly thank you for playing poker with @PokerBot!

Happy New Year PokerBot

We have launched our bot at the end of August and would like to share with you the results of its operation by the end of 2015.

PokerBot has over 10 000 monthly active users. It has sent 17 000 000 messages to its users during the last 4 months. Our users have played 230 000 dealings at 10 000 tables including 1 300 private tables.

As a New Year present we are sending 💵5000 to each PokerBot player.

Best present from your side would be a 5 star review in Telegram Bot Store. Press ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ button and then /skip command or send us your New Year greeting.

Thank you for being with us!

December 31, 2015
PokerBot Team

Private Tables & Open Chats

We have updated PokerBot this week.

Private tables

You can now create private tables to play poker only with Telegram contacts you want to e.g. your friends, foes etc.

PokerBot Keyboard

When creating a private table you will be able to set:

  • Bet size (big blind)
  • Table size - 5 or 9 people at a table
  • Turn timer - varies from no timer at all to 24 hours
  • Text chat availability - you can enable or disable text messages at your private table.

Once private table is created invite your Telegram contacts via forwarding a message with a unique invitation link to them.

Text messages at public tables

We have enabled text messages at public tables. Previously, players were able to send only emojis and Telegram stickers to players, now they can send texts too. Certainly we don’t want this feature to be abused. That is why anyone can complain about messages they consider inappropriate. Once you complain about the message from a particular player you won’t see further messages from them. If a player receives multiple complaints they will be banned from sending messages of any kind for the rest of the day.

Any timer

We have added support of «any timer» setting. Public tables are created with either 15 or 30 seconds turn timer. By default, you are seated at a table with a 30 second turn timer. You can change this setting to 15 seconds and be seated only at the tables with the corresponding turn timer. Now if you change your timer setting to any timer, you’ll be seated at any available table (tables with 15 seconds turn timer will be given priority), which will increase the speed of finding an active table for you.

Official channel and group chat

We are now featuring 🏆Top Daily and Weekly Players in our official Telegram group chat, subscribe here: @pokerbot_chat. Update announcements are first published in our channel, subscribe here: .

New translation platform

We have migrated to a new translation platform, which is available via this link. PokerBot is available in numerous languages solely thanks to the help of our volunteers. If you’d like to help us translate PokerBot to the language you speak, register on our translation site and start translating.

November 27, 2015
PokerBot Team

Contests Results

With the launch of PokerBot we have announced several contests. We keep our word and it is time to announce the results.


Top 5 PokerBot players who invite most referrals by September 14 will receive additional 💵1000 per each referral they invite. Here is the list of winners:

Place Username Referrals Bonus
1 ShDown® 87 💵87000
2 @aanvar 24 💵24000
3 @GlebGB 20 💵20000
4 ♠️Prince DENN♠️ 16 💵16000
5 @saundloyal 13 💵13000


We have decided to evenly distribute 💵100000 among players who provided us with valuable feedback:

# Username Bonus
1 👻 Ari 💵10000
2 @MineKolya 💵10000
3 👮 Dario 💵10000
4 @qo_op 💵10000
5 Andrey 💵10000
6 @marcos1806 💵10000
7 ✵DⓂitry🇷🇺Zⓛⓞⓨ✵ 💵10000
8 @kirillgreen 💵10000
9 @kevin_ol 💵10000
10 Enschede 💵10000

Future contests

We are satisfied with the results of our contests and will hold a new one next month. Follow the news!

September 15, 2015
PokerBot Team

Timers and Usability

PokerBot has received its first major update today.


The long-awaited turn times for PokerBot games have arrived. From now on each player will have 30 seconds for their turn. If you exceed your time limit in three dealings in a row, you will be automatically kicked out of the table. Bot will take care of you though and perform auto check if it is possible. Games have become more dynamic!

Usability & user experience

We have significantly improved PokerBot’s user experience.

Custom in-game keyboard was substantially updated. Now current cards on the table are shown right on your keyboard, which will allow you to follow the course of the game with more comfort.

PokerBot Keyboard
PokerBot Keyboard

We have added the ability to express your emotions while playing poker, which will make games even more engaging. Send stickers and smileys to all the players at the table at the right moment! However, we do realize that the game of poker should always come first, for that reason there is a certain time limit for sending smileys and stickers to chat.

Game keyboard now has no more than 4 lines of buttons and is correctly shown in all official Telegram clients.


We want to make PokerBot available to even more Telegram users. With the help of our players we have started its translation on this site.

If you speak Arabic, Hebrew, Italian, Korean, Persian, Portuguese or Spanish we invite you to join the group of volunteer translators on Transifex and help us translate PokerBot. If you speak any other language and want to help feel free to join our translation project and suggest your language.


This update fixes a lot of bugs that have been noticed by our players during the first weeks of bot’s operation. With critical bugs fixed, we are ready to start from a clean sheet and have performed players chips balance rollback. Now all players have 💵3000 chips plus their referral bonuses.

We are already working on the forthcoming updates, which are due this fall. Stay tuned and play poker!

September 15, 2015
PokerBot Team

PokerBot for Telegram
2015 - 2024