PokerBot has received its first major update today.
The long-awaited turn times for PokerBot games have arrived. From now on each player will have 30 seconds for their turn. If you exceed your time limit in three dealings in a row, you will be automatically kicked out of the table. Bot will take care of you though and perform auto check if it is possible. Games have become more dynamic!
We have significantly improved PokerBot’s user experience.
Custom in-game keyboard was substantially updated. Now current cards on the table are shown right on your keyboard, which will allow you to follow the course of the game with more comfort.
We have added the ability to express your emotions while playing poker, which will make games even more engaging. Send stickers and smileys to all the players at the table at the right moment! However, we do realize that the game of poker should always come first, for that reason there is a certain time limit for sending smileys and stickers to chat.
Game keyboard now has no more than 4 lines of buttons and is correctly shown in all official Telegram clients.
We want to make PokerBot available to even more Telegram users. With the help of our players we have started its translation on this site.
If you speak Arabic, Hebrew, Italian, Korean, Persian, Portuguese or Spanish we invite you to join the group of volunteer translators on Transifex and help us translate PokerBot. If you speak any other language and want to help feel free to join our translation project and suggest your language.
This update fixes a lot of bugs that have been noticed by our players during the first weeks of bot’s operation. With critical bugs fixed, we are ready to start from a clean sheet and have performed players chips balance rollback. Now all players have 💵3000 chips plus their referral bonuses.
We are already working on the forthcoming updates, which are due this fall. Stay tuned and play poker!
September 15, 2015
PokerBot Team