We are happy to tell you about the first PokerBot update in 2016!
You can now see and share your personal stats in PokerBot using /me
command or via bot menu: 🔧Settings — 📋Profile. Your user information includes: biggest pot won, number of hands won, number of hands played, win rate, date of registration and last game played date. What is more, you’ll be able to share your profile page with people who are not Telegram users yet. Web version of your profile includes invitation to play poker with your personal referral link.
You can now easily create private tables and generate invitation links in group and one-on-one Telegram chats thanks to the new inline mode introduced by Telegram team earlier this year. In inline mode, you can also share your profile stats and see poker combinations. Simply type @PokerBot
in any Telegram chat and choose one of the proposed options.
We see that people are starting to actively use inline @gif
bot to express their emotions during poker games, so we have enabled gif support in chats. Have fun!
January 18, 2016
PokerBot Team